
News & Events

CEDA Estevan Awarded 2015 Cenovus Health & Safety Stewardship Award


Cenovus is committed to building an injury-free workplace and recognizes service providers who display the same level of dedication to health and safety stewardship.

In recognition of CEDA's exemplary contributions towards fostering an environment where health and safety is priority when conducting contract work for the Cenovus Weyburn Saskatchewan Operations, our Estevan team has been selected as the recipient of a $2,500 donation to be presented to a charity of choice. 

CEDA selected the Human Society of Estevan to receive the $2,500 charitable contribution. The Estevan team will be presented with an award plaque in the upcoming months.

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Centennial Place East Tower

Suite 600, 520 - 3 Avenue SW

Calgary, AB  T2P 0R3

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